Someone taught me the meaning of love

Someone taught me the meaning of love
Someone taught me it wasn’t easy
For he was my shelter
He was my shield
And he was the greatest friend
that could ever be.

Someone taught me the meaning of love
Someone showed me it could be right
For he made me laugh
And he dried my tears
He was always there
Even in the dead of the night.

Someone taught me the meaning of love
Someone taught me that it hurts
To be the best friend
And not the lover
To be the one closest to me
And yet be a silent observer.

Someone taught me the meaning of love
Someone taught me the hardest lessons
That he may not always be there
To pick me when I fall
And that no one might tell me
There is dirt on my nose after all.

Someone taught me the meaning of love
Someone taught me it needs strength
To know it doesn’t have to last forever
He touched my heart, my soul,
My life and it remains
Just as pure for ever after…


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