Coffee Grounds

Gilded promises sealed with a cocoa kiss,
Reassurances amidst flowing sounds;
Just one detour in the chestnut woods,
And all that remains are coffee grounds…

19 thoughts on “Coffee Grounds

  1. Ineresting poem. Wish I knew more about it. Speaking of coffee grounds, sometimes I take the coffee filter, scrape off most of the grounds and make a painting with the filter, then add water colors. Fun use of coffee grounds. Brazil has such great coffee for drinking and for painting. LOL


    1. 🙂 Thanks. Oh that sounds very nice. good use of the coffee grounds. I’ve tried to liken the coffee grounds to something that had a lot of richness but now lies barren… 🙂


  2. letting you know Rally poetry awards posted, hope that you check it out,

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    i value your support.


  3. Your poetry is amazing…with supporters such as you stand beside us, we can continue our efforts and make the potluck event more enjoyable for its large number of entries, multiple levels or types of talents, and authentic enjoyment of poetry and poetry reading…Come in any time when we are open, feel free to ask questions and read others.
    Thank you in advance.
    Have A Weekend A Graceful As Your Spirits.


  4. Such a great poem! It’s so clever in its shortness. It reminds me of the poem Viengar, by Roger McGough – also so powerful in its shortness 🙂 Great work!


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