Love’s Cooking

Infusion of romance and a dreamy kiss;
A dash of pressed flowers and embraces’ heady mix.
A pinch of assault she added, and gave it a little stir;
Then waited for the broth to boil, and wiped away a tear.

2 cupfuls of angry letters and a ruby red stone;
She added to the cauldron remains of the love she owned.
And in went julienned “dates”, with freshly squeezed fears;
Then waited for the dish to simmer, and wiped away a tear.

She added finely sliced dreams soaked in betrayal’s wine;
The fire was down, she put it out, and gently folded in it some time.
The dish rest in peace, while she gazed at the embers dying near;
Then she waited for it to turn cold, and wiped away a tear.

She garnished it with silver shavings of her broken trust;
Pulled out a knife to check if hard enough was its crust.
Finally, she picked the vessel, and threw it in a veer
She fell beside it, and it down came; a torrential rain of tears.


Here’s an alternate ending I also came up with:

She garnished it with silver shavings of her broken trust;
Pulled out a knife to check if hard enough was its crust.
She put in the freezer, and said to herself a proverb old;
That’s what I made for you my love, revenge: a dish best served cold!

8 thoughts on “Love’s Cooking

  1. Both endings are creative and on different tangents of emotions.
    Liked second ending better..
    bcz there’s too many rhymes with tear and also revenge is dramatically awesome.


    1. The second ending I wrote first. But somehow, I didn’t want to give love the revenge angle. Love and revenge don’t go together in anyway. Where there is love, there can’t be revenge. 🙂


      1. I agree with Tame SheWolf! 😉

        Revenge might be petty and superficial. But there’s a reason why it feels so good. It brings closure and much needed relief.

        Having said that, the first ending is also brilliantly done. Anyone who’s ever been in pain can easily relate to that. You do have a good talent! 🙂

        First Ending = Batman in The Dark Knight
        Alternative Ending = Tony Stark in Iron Man

        😛 😀


      2. I was undecided on how I would end it. I thought both made reality seem plausible. 🙂

        Hahahaha. 🙂 That’s some analogy!


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